how can you improve yourself within a month

by - 8:02 AM

Ask yourself: How can I improve myself within a month?

Image result for improve yourself within a month

 20 ideas -:
  • Promise yourself that you will never talk rudely to your parents. They never deserve it.

    • Spend some time with nature every day.
      • Detoxify your speech. Reduce the use of negative words. Be polite.
      • “The biggest failure in life is the failure to try”. Always remember this.
      • Keep distance from people who give you negative vibes but never hold grudges.
        • Do not hesitate to clarify a doubt. “He who asks a question remains a fool for 5 minutes. He who does not ask remains a fool forever”.
        • Whatever you do, do it with full involvement. That’s meditation.
        • Stop comparing yourself with others. If you won’t stop, you will never know your own potential.
        • Read everyday. Doesn’t matter what. Choose whatever interests you.
        • Observe people around you. Imbibe their virtues.
        • Feed the stray animals. Yes, it feels good to feed the hungry.
        • No ego. No ego. No ego. Just learn, learn and learn.
        • “I cried as I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet”. Never complain.
        • Plan your day. It will take a few minutes but will save your days.
        • Every day, for a few minutes, sit in silence. I mean sit with yourself. Just yourself. Magic will flow.
        • Take care of your health. “He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything”.
          • In a healthy body resides a healthy mind. Do not litter it with junk.
          • For one month, eat home-cooked meals.
            • Keep your body hydrated at all times. Practice drinking 8–10 glasses of water.
            • Make a habit to eat at least one serving of raw vegetable salad on a daily basis.
            • Life is short. Life is simple. Do not complicate it. Don’t forget to smile.
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