cancer: reality or a myth and its cure

by - 9:20 AM

Breathtaking truth about cancer......please read carefully and share to your dear ones

believe it or not but after reading this article you will also say that cancer is not a disease but is just a deficiency and a source of income for the therapists. Since a few years, cancer is being shown as the most increasing disease worldwide. For its cure Kimotherapy, surgeries and other treatments are used which are not only costly but also prove to be dangerous to patients.

But now if we say that there is no such disease like cancer, you won't believe, but yes, it's true. Defining cancer it is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body, being harmful it is also a good source of income.

But on this topic, there is a book, A World Without Cancer by 
G. Edward Griffin
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This book shows most of the precautions and cure for cancer and has been translated into many languages worldwide. This book claims that cancer is not a disease but instead is a deficiency of Vitamin B17 in the body. You should know the fact that cancer is not a disease but is just a deficiency of Vitamin B17 in the body, nothing more, and this deficiency is known as cancer. This deficiency is established as a business in the medical field which provides less benefit to the patient as compared to the doctors.

Before jumping to direct conclusions we should know what exactly cancer and Vitamin B17 is. As on the part of cancer, it is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body, coming to the vitamin part, "Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin essential to cell production, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and neurologic function. It is required as a coenzyme for the metabolism of amino acids methionine, threonine, and valine as well as the formation of tetrahydrofolate which is necessary for DNA synthesis. Common signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include neurologic dysfunction such as gait instability, paresthesias, mental status changes, skin changes, diarrhea, pallor, weakness, depression, and fatigue".

Now because cancer is a deficiency of a vitamin in the body, so by fulfilling it we can reduce its effects and can save ourselves,  and at some stage, we also may cure it. This case is similar to the one years back when a disease named scurvy broke out and many people died due to this disease, but afterward, in research, it was found that scurvy was a deficiency of Vitamin C and could be cured by Vitamin supplements.

Cancer is just a vitamin deficiency, but you need not fear or lose your mental peace, just you need to understand the situation and work according to it.

To fulfill the vitamin you always need not take a huge amount of vitamin supplements, some beneficial and good food items can help you. Some of these are Apricots, Apple, Peach, Pears, Faliyas, sprouted pulses, and Almonds, these may prove very beneficial for the deficiency.

Other than these patients should also eat strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, flaxseed, barley, oats, brown rice, pumpkin, sorghum (juwar), sprouted wheat, buckwheat, millet, cashews, dried fruits, these are also a good source of vitamin B17. By including them in your daily diet you can fulfill the vitamin deficiency.

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Exercise and Yoga are also very important and cancer patients are recommended to do various yoga aasans and exercise on a daily basis. Most importantly Kapalbhati is recommended to cancer patients.

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So now you know about cancer and how you can prevent it just by eating healthy and doing exercise and yoga on a regular basis, you should remember one last and important thing that don't take unnecessary pressure and tension on your mind, just be relaxed and have mental peace, this will help you more importantly.


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