What should you visit in Mumbai | Raudat Tahera | Bhindi Bazaar Mumbai | Heaven

by - 7:32 AM

*Raudat Tahera*
The marble for the development of the Roza was quarried from exactly where the *marble* for the Taj Mahal was obtained---Makrana in Rajhastan,India.

The Mausoleum rests on 92 piles.The number 92 is critical therein it represents the numerical calculation of the name of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h) by the principles of Abjad in Arabic.

Around the burial place is 28 square feet grave.
The number 28 indicates Syedna's (RA) young age at which he became a Dai-al-Mutlaq.
The inner height of the mausoleum rises to 80 feet,
depicting the age of Syedna (RA) when he left this world for Mala-e Ala.

The inner dimensions of the Roza (mausoleum) are *51x51 feet,*
symbolizing that Syedna Tahir Saifuddin was the 51st Dai-al-Mutlaq.
What gives the Roza a singular place of honour is that the inscription of
the entire Holy Quran within the walls of the Roza.
The writings were choosen by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA
from the golden Holy Quran from which His Holiness wont to recite.
It contained 772 pages
and accordingly the entire Quran is inscribed
in gold on 772 marble slabs 3x2 feet each and pasted within the inner walls of the Roza.
All the Bismillah's before the beginning of Surahs are engraved and
adorned with rubies, emaralds, Diamonds and Pearls.
The Holy Quran inscription has been wiped out such how that each one the doorway Doors to the Roza
have a Bismillah coming.
The structural shell consists of a dome 40 feet in diametre.
The complete structure of Raudat Tahera weighs 5000 tons.
The 4 entrance doors to the Roza are specially designed to
match the entrace gate of Jamea-al-Aqmar in Cairo,
built in the time of Imam Al-Amir(1101-1130 A.D).
The entrances are adorned with four silver doors of Fatemi style
and cause the inner sanctuary of the Roza.
The 4 walls of the mausoleum have a 4 feet & 6 inch thick masonry wall
with three inch marble cladding on each side , making its final thickness 5 feet.
The number 5 is vital to the us, as we believe 'Panjetan'.
Similarly there are five arches above each of the four doors of the mausoleum.
The 17 arches of the mosque represent the 17 Rakaat of Farizat.
Other interesting facts regarding this marvellous monument:
Raudat Tahera is meant by the late architect Dr.Yahya Merchant.
The construction of the Mausoleum began on 10th of December,1968.
It was inaugurated on
April19,1975 by the president of India Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.
Below the inscription of The holy Quran are 10,000 verses of prayers
written by Syedna Taher Saifuddin (r.a.).
The crystal chandelier weighing one ton has been imported from Czechoslovakia.
Fatemi Masjid is believed to be the first outdoors mosque in Asia.
Raudat Tahera is listed as a requirement see monument in Mumbai by the tourist board.
There are Jewels and Precious Stones studded inside the Raudat Tahera within the
following manner:
Ruby [Yaaqoot/ Manek]
52 Bismillah are embedded with Rubies - which signifies that Syedna Mohammed
Burhanuddin Aqa (TUS) is our 52nd Dai Al Mutlaq.
Coral [Marjaan]
28 Bismillah are embedded with Corals - which signifies that Al Muqaddas
Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) was 28 years old, when He came within the Rutba of
Dai Al Mutlaq.
Emerald [Zamarmar]
21 Bismillah are embedded with Emeralds - which signifies that Maulana Imam At Taiyab (AS) is that the 21st Imam and this is often His Daur of Satar!
7 Bismillah are embedded with Pearls - which signifies the Saatras of Aimmat
Tahereen (AS) and Duat Mutlaqeen (RA).
Diamond [Almas]
5 Bismillah are embedded with Diamonds - which signifies the Panjetan Paak
"Surat-e-Fateha" and "Surat-e-Ikhlaas"
These 2 Surats are entirely embedded with Red Rubies.
*12 Jamadil Awwal Hijri 1406* ma Munafeqeen Yeh Raudat Tahera Na Nazdeek Time Bomb Muko,Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (R.A)52ma Dai ul Mutlaq,Ni Dua Si Khuda Ye Sagla ni Hifazat Kidi

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