Weirdest places in the world you should visit

by - 7:59 PM

Our world is full of weird, amazing and funny places. Some of these places are a result of years of natural happenings while some others are formed by human acts, but all over, they are a form of beauty with weirdness, and you should surely visit these places......

  • Lake Natron
Location: Tanzania

Looking for the weirdest places on earth? How about this terrifying lake? Animals that die in this African lake are turned into statues, through calcification. The presence of huge volumes of sodium bicarbonate ensures they turn into mummies. And because of the high alkaline collection, the lake looks red in color. This is the reason why this lake is also known as the ‘Petrifying Lake’. In spite of all these conditions, it is grazing ground for the Lesser Flamingos. Fancy a dip? Don’t even think about it!

Lake Natron
  • Salar De Uyuni

Location: Bolivia

Located in the Potosí and Oruro departments, this is the world’s largest salt pan. And when a thin film of water gathers on the surface it is also the world’s largest natural mirror. The best sight of this space can be observed from the central Incahuasi Island. Salar De Uyuni is the remains of a prehistoric lake that dried off and left behind void space of bright-white salt, rock formations, and cacti-islands. This place harbors large flocks of beautiful pink flamingos that can be seen grazing in the water. The best time to visit this place is in the months of July and October.
Image result for 1. Salar De Uyuni

  • Die Rakotzbrück
Location: Gablenz, Germany

The Die Rakotzbrück bridge constructed in the 19th century is famed for its unique construction accuracy, with the bridge and its reflection merging into a complete and perfect stone circle, no matter where you see it from. Spooky! Probably this is why the bridge is also known as the ‘Devil’s Bridge’. It seems that the makers of the bridge emphasized more on its aesthetics than its utility. Both the ends of the Rakotzbrücke have thin rock spires installed, to make it look like natural basalt columns, which commonly occur in many parts of Germany.
Mysterious devil's bridge

  • Spotted Lake Khiluk
Location:Northwest of Osoyoos, British Columbia

Spotted Lake Khiluk is the most mineralized lake in the world. The lake is spotted with 365 separate pools arranged in a strange mosaic-like pattern. Each of these spots holds a unique and highly concentrated chemical content and is said to cure different diseases. Definitely one of the nicer strangest places in the world.

Image result for Spotted Lake Khiluk

  • Eternal Flame Falls
Location: New York, US

The Eternal Flame Falls is a quaint waterfall located in Shale Creek Preserve, which is a section of Chestnut Ridge Park in Western New York. A small item at the waterfall’s base emits natural gas. Interestingly, it can be lit to produce a flame. This flame is visible all year round. It can be extinguished and must occasionally be re-lit. The flame is fueled by natural gases and burns bright right under a waterfall.

Image result for Eternal Flame Falls

  • Caño Cristales
Location: Colombia

In the summer months, this Colombian river turns red. Actually, the river bed is covered by a unique species of plant, and that is what turns red. Another one of those mysterious places on earth underwater. The river is commonly called the “River of Five Colors” or the “Liquid Rainbow”. It has been called the most beautiful water body on Earth. You can make a time lapse here of the water cascading down the rocks.

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  • Blood Falls
Location: Antarctica

Amidst the unending whiteness of the snow, Blood Falls provides a creepy relief. The water is red in color due to the presence of huge amounts of Iron. Definitely makes the list of the strangest places in the world. According to Forbes, the mystery surrounding Blood Falls has been solved. According to the researchers of University of Alaska, the red coloring is due to “oxidized iron in brine saltwater, the same process that gives the iron a dark red color when it rusts.”

Have a view of red waters

  •  Sea Of Stars
Location: Maldives

Bioluminescent sea plankton that shines bright blue during the night makes the sea area at Vaadhoo Island look like the Sea of Stars. The sea of stars of Vaadhoo Island Maldives attracts millions of tourists every year. The tourist footfall seems to be only increasing after the sea was featured in far and few Bollywood and Hollywood films. The Maldives is listed as one of the cheapest destinations in the world, so what’s stopping you from seeing this sight?

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  • Nelson Lakes National Park
Location: New Zealand

Do you get extremely excited about jungle safaris and walking tours of the national park in general? This one might just surprise you with its quirkiness. There is an interesting Blue Lake at the Nelson Lakes National Park. What’s so weird about it? How about the fact that this is a lake so clear that you can see all the way to the bottom, and can’t even make out the depth. Go ahead, visit it. We dare you. Don’t blame us for your mind being blown to smithereens.

Crystal clear waters of blue lake in New Zealand

  • Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain
Location: Peru

Covered in wide lines of pastel blue, intense red, green, pink and yellow. There are currently no scientific explanations for this phenomenon. Often referred to as Vinicunca or Montaña de Siete Colores, Rainbow Mountain is a colorful peak in Peru. It is extremely difficult to reach, we will not lie. But the strenuous effort is worth the trek. The sights that you will behold from the top of the mountain will dazzle you. Are you ready to do this?

Image result for Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain

  • Crooked Forest
Location: Poland

Came across any oddly-shaped pine trees outside Nowe Czarnowo near the town of Gryfino, West Pomerania? Welcome to the most bizarre place on Earth. Very few people visit this region, so why you happened to be there is a mystery in itself. In an otherwise normal forest in Poland, full of straight trees, there is this collection of curved trees, for which there is no scientific explanation. One of the world’s weirdest places, indeed.

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  • Dead Sea
Location: Jordan

Can’t swim? No problem! The Dead Sea, a salt lake, will ensure you can float without any effort, due to the high volume of salt and other minerals in the water. The Dead Sea is 10 times as salty as the ocean, with a salinity of about 34%. Just a disclaimer, if you open your eyes while in its water, it will sting quite a bit. It is inhospitable. Interestingly, in the Greek Era, it was inhabited by savage tribes. Visit the site to know more awesome facts.

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  • The Wave
Location: Arizona, US

The Wave is a sandstone rock formation located near the northern border Arizona shares with Utah. It is a dreamlike world of swirling colors and psychedelic patterns. The rock formations are said to be from the Jurassic era. In an effort to preserve the natural beauty and integrity of this natural site, there are no signages for hikers. You have to find your way in and out of this site. Sounds like a challenge. Who is up for it?

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  • Al Naslaa Rock Formation
Location: Saudi Arabia

There are many natural occurrences that can bewilder the traveler. This is one of them. This little slice of perfection. See the uniform slit between the flat faces of these two standing stones? Al Naslaa is one of the most photogenic petroglyphs in the area. Its natural shape is a big mystery that no one has been able to solve yet. Make sure you embark on a holiday to Saudi Arabia to catch a sight of this natural structure.

Image result for Al Naslaa Rock Formation

  • Fingal’s Cave
Location: Scotland

As a rule, caves are round in shape with round rocks, right? Wrong! Take a look at these symmetrical square caves. These caves are situated on the uninhabited islands of Staffa in Scotland. Except for researchers and scientists, people don’t usually visit these caves. But you can still look at this photograph and admire the bounties of nature. Doesn’t this strike as beautiful to you? The cave has a large entrance and is filled by seawater.

Image result for Fingal’s Cave

  • The Doorway Railway
Location: Vietnam

The Doorway Railway of Hanoi is a railway line passes inches away from the doorsteps of shops, through the residential neighborhood and commercial area of Hanoi. There’s a street in Hanoi, Vietnam where a speeding train passes straight through twice a day. If you’re in the way of the train, you are supposed to press tight into the adjoining wall or duck into a nearby cafe to escape being killed. You can feel the iron resonate against your skin. Sounds terrifying, right?

Image result for The Doorway Railway

  • Monolith Of Uluru
Location: Australia

This is a single rock. One single, gigantic rock, which is a mountain in itself. With a height of 348 meters and a circumference of 5.8 miles, this is the world’s largest rock and one of the weirdest places on earth. While the rocks surrounding it eroded, it stood its ground to become the longest surviving Monolithic rock structure. If this rock doesn’t inspire you to keep hustling in life and staying true to all the promises you made to yourself, we don’t know what will.

Image result for Monolith Of Uluru

  • Travertine Pools
Location: Turkey

A group of small pools that result from calcium carbonate deposits. Looks cold, but these are actually pools of warm water, fed by an underground spring. The area is immensely famous among the locals and the tourists alike for the carbonate mineral left by flowing water, which lends this natural site the name “cotton castle”. This place in Turkey is a sight to behold and we recommend you to stop by there on your trip to the region.

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  • The Giant’s Causeway
Location: Ireland

The result of an ancient volcanic eruption, these are perfectly straight rocks jutting out of the sea. Around 60 million years ago, this place was subjected to intense volcanic eruptions. As the lava cooled and the smoke enveloping the region disappeared, people found pillarlike structures jutting out. They were amazed and began researching the origin of the Giant’s Causeway. To date, scientists are perplexed by the firmness of these rocks.

Image result for The Giant’s Causeway

  • Lencois Maranhenses National Park
Location: Brazil

Lencois Maranhenses National Park is a protected area in Brazil. There is a reason why this place has a special status in the country. Although it deceptively looks like a desert, this national park of Brazil has many small pools bordered by the sandy dune-like structures. Have you ever come across white sand dunes on your desert trips? If your answer is no, pack your bags and head to Lencois Maranhenses National Park.

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  • Red Beach
Location: China

Red beach is famed for its red-hued sand. It is a renowned tourist attraction. The place receives a tourist footfall of tens of thousands of people each year. The tourists seem to be in love with this place. Every year in autumn, The Red Beach in Tianjin, China comes alive with Suaeda salsa, a red colored plant that thrives well in salt water. The entire beach blooms red, leaving only thin strips of sea visible. Make sure to come here with your friends and get a photograph for your Instagram.

Image result for Red Beach

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